
Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Living Your Life on Purpose

I've had an incredibly wonderful and eye opening weekend and because of that I've made a decision... 

I refuse to be defined by my limitations or so called set backs in life!!!

NOTHING holds me back... NOTHING!

Would you like to now more about the thoughts behind that statement??? Well stick around folks because I will not lay down and let life decide for me what I am. 

I get comments a lot like "oh you have so much burden placed upon you and I just don't know how you handle it as well as you do"... 

Well sure I do, but so do you and so does your neighbor and your sister and Mom and best friend!! I mean my trial in life is that I have a husband who hurts... Constantly and can't provide for our family. And yes we have 3 kids and I have two jobs, a house to clean, 5 people to feed and a husband to care for... 

But off the top of my head I can think of so many loved ones who have hardships to bear that I would never ever ever wish upon anyone... We are given our trials because they are specific to us and our journey. We get to look at trials as BLESSINGS that mold and shape us into the kind of humans that can help other humans just by being around us. HOW COOL IS THAT!!??

You are not defined by your struggles and trials, instead you get to choose what your life is going to be and how it is going to look. Everyday we get to choose the words we speak to ourselves. Those words are the things that define us and our relationships. If you go around telling yourself that you are sad and lonely and that no one loves you... then guess what. You will treat people as if that is how they feel about you and in turn THEY WILL FEEL that you don't want to be around them.

So when you notice that you are speaking negatively to yourself or thinking negative thoughts about your abilities or being judgmental of others here are a few tips and tricks to get out of those negative thoughts and into POSITIVITY...

1. REDIRECT- Have a statement, phrase, scripture or song ready to replace those dang thoughts and turn you to the positive. I use a song most often that reminds me that I am a child of God. Works every time.
2. PRACTICE- Figure out the top 5 negative/limiting things you say to yourself and turn them into positive declarations then say them to yourself in the mirror each morning and night as if you believed them... promise they will start to feel true to you.
i.e. "I am so messy and disorganized, I never get anything done"
turn it into... "I am a being of order. I create order wherever I go and get so much accomplished that lead me to my goals."
3. MOVE- get your body moving as soon as you feel down. Your lymphatic system can actually store negative energy and the only pump for your lymphatic system is MOVEMENT. Do a couple of jumping jacks as you say positive things to yourself or stretch a little bit. Get those juices flowing!! Getting outside helps too!!
4. SET GOALS- You are a being with divine POWER... set some goals that stretch you and excite you. Put them on a vision board and look at them daily to remind yourself of the things you are capable of. Imagine yourself taking that amazing trip with your spouse and imagine each detail...  Ideas will start to come to your mind as you do this that will help you reach that goal.
5. LOVE OTHERS- just try to serve and love as much as possible... give of yourself and you will get so much more in return. You will get what you want when you help others get what they want. It's an eternal principle!!

Pick one of these and get started right now. I promise you will find yourself being free of expectations, judgement and negativity. Move toward being the best YOU that you can be. Don't let life decide what you will be. Become what you value and love.