In talking with my husband last night I came to a major realization. It was one of those talks that really needed to happen yet it was super late and a bit frustrating at times because we were conversing about his health and his view of his health now and in the future.
It felt good to get everything out and while we weren't totally settled on a happy conclusion at the end I think we are both a bit more on the same page about his health and committed to searching for answers.My realization came after I already crawled into bed.
The MAIN thing he and I could BOTH work on TOGETHER that would benefit both of our lives and not cause him to be thrown into an attack (most likely... and those of you who suffer with this nasty unpredictable disorder know exactly what I mean by that)... We could both improve and practice how we handle the STRESS LIFE hands us.
BIG PICTURE IS SIMPLE... MOST OF THE TIME WE HAVE LITTLE CONTROL OVER THE THINGS THAT HAPPEN TO US (I am not talking about the things we make happen... that I believe we have some great influence on). We ONLY have control over our reaction to those "events" and how they affect us.
We are stressed on the DAILY. We make ourselves sick because of stress. We talk about stress, we complain about stress and we end up letting stress run our lives.
How would you like to handle life with a peace and calmness? How would it feel to be able to care deeply and passionately about people, projects or events yet not get completely bent out of shape when they/it don't meet your expectations? What would you do if you had more time and energy to focus on the things you can control and let everything else work out for your good? What would that change? What could you accomplish if you weren't bogged down by stress?
Let's dive into that this week.
Follow me on Instagram and/or Facebook where I'll reveal ways you can better deal with STRESS and why having a better reaction to stressful situations would be beneficial to you and your family!!
I'm learning right along with you here... Let's ride this journey together.
What useful ways do you find that you distress or diffuse stress?
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