
Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Yummy cake

Last night I was 198.6. This is such an amazing feat for me. I am officially under 200 pounds and it feels liberating. While I still have a long way to go I feel like I can accomplish  anything. I started the fast metabolism diet again on Monday and the first two days were like riding a bike. I was swept right into it again and did great. I actually find it easier to eat on a plan because I know I'm giving my body the property nutrition and then I don't crave things that are not good for my body.
There is such emotional and mental component to this weight-loss journey. Mentally I literally have to envision myself at the weight I want. I tell myself that I am happily loving the life that I'm like living being 165 pounds and fitting into size 8 jeans by June 15, 2015. I see myself playing with the kids on the trampoline, going for a run with my friends, and looking amazingly attractive for my husband. I tried to tap into my emotions as well. I feel like it's going to feel, I try to  experience how confident and comfortable I am living my dream. I also envision greatly the amount of help I get to offer others who have been in my position and what satisfaction that gives me. For some reason The thought pops into my mind that I am starting a movement of emotional, mental and physical health. If you're sick in your body you give it health, you give it all that you can with proper food and exercise and supplements and maybe your body needs to see the doctor. If you have an unhealthy mind set you need to give it proper health. Limiting the words you say to yourself to only positive uplifting thoughts. Eliminating the word can't from your vocabulary because it never did anybody any good. Encouraging your mind to open up and expand to hire possibilities and expectations. And telling yourself that you can do it while also being physically accountable to somebody else. 
Emotionally feeling how it's going to feel when you reach your goal. This does not matter if it's financial, physical, or you're wanting to specifically target healthy emotions. When you focus your feelings on positive things and your goals you will overcome whatever is holding you back from achieving your dream. I am already experiencing that shift and change and I believe it's one of the biggest reasons that I've lost 28 pounds. 
Every body is different. The way you experience your weight-loss journey will be different than mine but the tools and principles that I've been using are universal I believe. Pick whatever program you want physically i.e. what food to put in your mouth and what exercise to do. Make sure that it gives you a very quick start to your weight loss so that you keep motivated and you can convince your mind to keep going. The slight edge principle is amazing that little by little we get to our goal, but it cannot be said enough that quick results motivate like a fire underneath you. Its helpful to give your mind a little bit of evidence to start with and then you let it run wild with the possibilities of awesome awesome success. Your emotions are happy an high, your cortisol levels are low because you're less stressed. I have so many people in my life who do not know how to handle stress properly. This is one of the biggest causes of health concerns today including weight. If we can manage our stress and focus on our goals through mind and emotions exercises our possibilities are endless. 
I believe strongly that everybody has a mission and goal in this life. If we let our bodies be bogged down by weight we are not living our full potential. You were put on this earth to help somebody else and to live a happy wonderful healthy life. This health journey that you embark on will be the catalyst to your amazing purpose filled life. Don't you want that? Do you want success in all areas of your life?  I am here to tell you that it is not beyond your reach. It is not beyond your reach to have all of the wonderful things you want. You can have your cake a eat it too. I want that for you but more importantly I want you to want that too. Remember you are worth it!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

One of those day...

I gotta say I'm pretty proud of myself. I went to bed before midnight which helped me get up earlier this morning to workout with a friend in her garage. I've been meaning to do this for he last 2 months and today was the first time I actually accomplished it. We did a T25 workout which was fun but I did a cardio workout yesterday and last night did my 5k training so my body is tired. When I got home I was contemplating doing some more of an arm work out but decided on scriptures instead. I am so glad I do. I learned so much and filled my heart with his word and recommitted myself to being more fully engaged in my faith. 
Isn't this the point of it all. Getting to bed early so I can work out, choosing to wake up early, choosing to put better thing into my mind and body. Choosing to read the word of God. BE FULLY ENGAGED in life. Show up for your goals. If you aren't reaching your goals figure out where the break down is. So you need to tweak something in order to make your goals achievable... Like getting to bed earlier so waking up to get that workout in isn't such a challenge. What is this life if we just continue to do the same things day in and day out because of habit or rut. Do the thing you've been wanting to do and then you shall have the power. You shall have the power to succeed in anything and everything because your mindset will be renewed and bright. 
We all have within us the strength to do whatsoever we want. Especially if you invite your higher power along for aid. I commit to being more alive and vibrant today. I have control over that and have set myself up for a very productive day. I'm lovin' life. 

Wednesday, April 15, 2015


With all I have been doing to lose weight I gotta vent just a little bit. I have seriously been stuck at 200 for so long. I have just been toying with dropping below it and I don't understand why I am stuck. I have been juicing the last 3 days and doing so well with my eating. The only thing I can think of is that my hormones are out of whack and it is inhibiting me. Now for some positive self talk. 
I envision my body being 195. I love been 195. My body has more energy and I am so glad I am that much closer to my goal. I feel energized and loved. I am a success and can do hard things. I emotionally do not need this extra weight anymore. I am happy healthy and free of this burden.  

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Today I fit into my favorite skirts I have not been able to do this for at least two years I put it on and was so comfortable before so tight I could barely walk in and I would only zip it up halfway and put a shirt over the top of it to the cover it. It's amazing my body is responding to healthy eating and my mind is too.
One of the things that has helped me get over my plateau is visualization. I envision what it's like to be my healthy weight. I've been trying to reach small goals so one of the things I've done is envision what it feels like to be 195 pounds and said 200 so I think to myself I am enjoying being healthy and happy so hundred 95 pounds on or before Monday April 20th 2000. I envision what it feels like to have on my body and my pants. I envision what it's like to have as much energy as I want and to be able to play with my kids on the tram for hours. I envision reaching my goals with my diet but challenge. And today when I got on the scale I was 198.8 which is the first Weight loss I've  seen in a while.
I am supposed to be on a hormone cleanse right now but I cannot stomach the smoothie. I'm going to try putting a scoop of protein powder in tomorrow and see if I can handle a little bit better.
The hormone cleanse is 10 days long and guarantees you can learn lose up to 10 pounds it would be nice to be down to 190 before I start FMD again. Then I could get to 175 pretty easily by my birthday